This is were the idea came from: a friend of mine had this brilliant tour poster of Black Flag in his room on which the four band members were drawn as creepy-looking comic figures, looking at you. This poster was so cool. I wanted this image on the back of my black leather jacket. But how should I do this?
This is what I did: I borrowed the poster, made a copy, took a pair of nail scissors and cut away all the white, which was comparatively easy because the image was b/w anyway.
The four figures were standing slightly apart. so I could seperate them, and work on them one by one. I think in the end I glued the four templates on the jacket. I then took some white spaypaint...
Actually, the picture looked absolutely BRILLIANT, and every bit as I had hoped it would. But there was something with the paint... it never really dried on the leather: So I had to be careful not to lean too long at any wall while wearing it, because it came off with a little slurping sound and left tiny white spots. I think after a month or two I gave up on wearing it. But the idea was there.
Henry Rollins and Black Flag. The actual tour poster is nowhere to be found. |